These days, I am so happy and inspired that I always want to go to class just to … J J J Well, let’s say, it’s like, I am going to class for the sake of going there. 😛

I’m enjoying my life now, it’s like I don’t care if I am acting like a high school student having a crush and needed to hide and ignore it. I don’t care if the one I like has a girlfriend, or if he is destined to marry someone with the same nationality as him in the future. What matters most for me is that, I am happy with what I feel. I am happy when he’s near me. He makes me smile when I sleep.

This feeling will only last for a few days since summer is coming. After summer, I’ll be meeting once again the guy I’ve loved for 11 years and for sure whatever I am feeling now will be lost again. So, I’ll just enjoy this inspiration and this moment that I am happy where my heart is always beating triple fast. J

For him, I wish I could be his classmate next year. All I can do is to pray for him that he’ll surpassed the challenges in his life & of course for him to win in his life battle. J

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